Iran Visa: He says in the world of technology human relations are fading away. About 60 years ago while with his brother after three years of reading made decision to go around the world for almost 10 years; in fact, were people who believed travelling broadens the mind. In north of Tehran, there is a city-garden which is called Sa`ad Abad. It is reminding the name of Pahlavi but there are such important subjects like the museum of Omidvar brothers. While entering to this 300 hectare garden, realize to have to walk a lot; what the brother did to visit and find the unknow

n parts of the attractive universe. The highest part of complex located in northwest is a hill so-called Ali Khan. The7th. King of Qajar`s palace is here; the Green palace which used to be the house of Pahlavi the first is also here. Although there are almost two chef-d`oeuvres of Iranian architectures here, an old but simple construction shines on this hill. The old one with red brick facing and plasterboard decoration that dates back to Qajarid dynasty period, 19th.Century. The construction including four rooms was used as Ahmad Shah`s drivers` dwelling house. Now, this simple construction contains Omidvar brothers` souvenirs and journey equipment. There were a motorcycle and a vehicle (Citroen) in front of the house that were their journey transportation means. It has been written: ALL DIFFERENT, ALL RELATIVE on the motorcycle fender. It was their journey slogan. Another one was; The World without Geographical Boarders. In 1954, Omidvar brothers made their first travel through the world by bike then by car. They visited Bedouins, Eskimos, American Indians and others. Brothers got lost, were beaten, arrested and of course helped during their explorations. What they believed then is somehow now related to the aim of UNWTO in developing of tourism industry. Their motto has been based of friendship and peace. The older brother notes these aims when on the first Saturday of per month appears in the museum and reviews the remembrances. The museum and the Omidvar brothers` visions of world need higher attention. What among older brothers` words is significant is talking of goal in journey. He says: without goal and plan after someday you will be tired from voyage, maybe means organized tours. Another fabulous aspect is that Issa Omidvar, the older one, encourages the Iran young society to travel through IRAN and then the world; he adds: If the young do not visit IRAN, no patriotism is going to be created for them. In the field of tourism he is again right; by travelling people know each other more and become familiar and it helps the sustainable peace of the world. There is a lovely fine line about constructions. All people like kings, drivers and servants used to be different here then, but they were all relative, too. Last but not least, Omidvar brothers` cultural aims, museum`s objects and location have made this attraction valuably worth to visit.